My Role:

Content Strategist, Brand Strategist, UX Researcher, UI Designer


Users need a way to find a doctor with whom they can resonate and feel safe with.



Designed a platform that lets users filter doctors based on categories relevant to them, and access reviews by people who share the same experiences and/or background.


  1. Individuals looking to find a health provider who is well-suited for them, based on identities and experiences.

  2. Individuals looking to share their previous healthcare experiences via eMDpowered to help others find a doctor based on recommendations and reviews by people similar to them.


  • Affinity Diagramming

  • Competitive Audit

  • User Interviews

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Secondary Research

  • Usability Testing

  • User Flow Map

  • Wireframing


  • Pen and Paper

  • Sketch

  • Keynote

  • InVision

Discovering the Problem Space

When chatting with some good friends, they shared that they haven’t been prioritizing their health. When I asked why, they replied with “I can’t find a doctor I can relate to”, or “I can’t find a doctor like me.” After consulting more and more people, I kept hearing the same kinds of things. People were avoiding going to the doctor or seeking care because they felt it was too hard to find a doctor that shared the same identities and/or experiences. I wanted to solve this problem and offer users a platform that would let them find a doctor they truly connect with.

I can’t find a queer friendly doctor.
— User 1
I can’t find a black therapist.
— User 2
How can I trust reviews when I don’t know anything about the reviewer?
— User 3

Competitive Audit:

I performed a competitive audit on three of the most prominent doctor review sites that exist today to be informed of the current state of doctor review sites.

User Interviews

After performing the competitive audit and getting a good understanding of what the current review sites offer, it was time to conduct some user interviews and dive deeper into their pain points. Using a directed storytelling approach, I interviewed five users about their experiences in three different areas; general health, women’s health, and mental health. The interview focused primarily on these questions;

1.) What has made your experience finding/choosing healthcare positive?

2.) What has made your experience finding/choosing healthcare negative?

3.) What would make your experience better?

4.) What information would help you make a more informed decision in seeking/choosing a healthcare professional?

Additionally, I performed card sorting activities during the interviews to let users rank certain features that are most important to them when finding a healthcare provider.

Data Synthesis

After conducting user interviews, I created an affinity diagram to synthesize the data and find out what was most important to users, so that I could start low-fidelity prototyping.

After synthesizing my research, I came away with four main insights that would guide my design process:

  1. Users want to be able to find a doctor with whom they resonate with based on identities and experiences

  2. Users want to feel a sense of trust and communication with their doctor

  3. Users want to be able to easily access more information about their doctor

  4. Users want to find doctors based on reviews and recommendations from people like them

User Flows & Wireframing

Once I knew what was important to users, I could start user flows and wireframing. I created user flows to depict the process of different use cases for eMDpowered. While wireframing, I kept accessibility and inclusivity at the forefront of my design strategy.

Prototype Walkthrough